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UHN Staff

University Health News is produced by the award-winning editors and authors of Belvoir Media Group’s Health & Wellness Division. Headquartered in Norwalk, Conn., with editorial offices in Florida, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Boston, Belvoir Media Group publishes 22 monthly consumer health newsletters along with dozens of books, guides, and reports covering a wide variety of medical issues. Monthly titles include Duke Medicine Health News; Massachusetts General Hospital Mind, Mood, & Memory; Mount Sinai School of Medicine Focus on Healthy Aging; Weill Cornell Medical College Women’s Health Advisor; UCLA Medical Center Healthy Years; and others listed at www.belvoir.com/titles. Contact our UHN team at info@uhn.com or write to UHN, 535 Connecticut Ave., Norwalk, CT 06856-5656.

Articles by UHN Staff

Does Your Cookware Need an Overhaul?

Choosing foods that support optimal health is important, but so is the cookware we us to prepare it. There are many cookware options, and our kitchens are likely stocked with an assortment of materials of varying age and condition, from stainless steel and ceramic, to non-stick and glass. Some materials … Read More

Black-Eyed Peas, Please!

The Folklore. Serving up black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day is said to bring good luck all year long. Tradition calls for the slow-cooked comfort of a pot of Hoppin’ John, the Southern soul food dish of black-eyed peas, collard or mustard greens, and rice. But there are many more … Read More

Living with Dementia Means Having a Greater Fall Risk

For any older adult, falls are a major cause of injury and disability. And for individuals with dementia, fall risks may be especially high. In a study published recently in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, researchers found that older adults with dementia have twice the risk … Read More

Droopy Eyelids Can Interfere with Vision

Just like the rest of the body, the skin, and muscles of and around the eyelids become lax with age. If your peripheral vision seems compromised and/or your eyelids often feel heavy and tired when reading or doing other activities, you may be a candidate for common surgical interventions that … Read More
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