depression treatment

The Surprising Link Between Gluten and Depression

Is there a connection between gluten and depression? Investigators from the Department of Gastroenterology at Monash University and The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, had observed from previous studies that people with gluten sensitivity (but without celiac disease) may still have digestive symptoms while on a gluten-free diet but continue … Read More

Signs of Depression Relapse and How to Prevent Them

One of the most important, yet most neglected, aspects of depression treatment is preventing depression from returning. Relapse refers to the returning signs of depression after a period of weeks or months of doing well. The term recurrence sometimes refers to a relapse that occurs late, after many months or … Read More

What Kind of Depression Do I Have?

Because there are multiple types of depression, anyone feeling as if he or she is battling the condition might understandably wonder, “What kind of depression do I have?” The most severe form is major depressive disorder, or MDD. People with MDD feel down most or all of the time and … Read More

3 Natural Treatments for Depression While Pregnant

You’ll often hear about postpartum depression, but did you know that many women also experience depression while pregnant? In fact, depression during the pregnancy (called antenatal depression) is actually more prevalent than postpartum depression.[1] Unfortunately, antenatal depression doesn’t get the attention it deserves and, as a consequence, many women aren’t … Read More

For Men Dealing with Depression: Start by Getting Help

If you’re like many men, you don’t like to ask for help. You have a do-it-yourself attitude that any problem can be fixed. That’s also the mindset that many men have when it comes to dealing with depression. In general, experts say, men simply don’t discuss sadness or other feelings. … Read More

8 Natural Tips for Recovering from C-Section Surgery

Cesarean sections are more common than ever. In some cases, women elect to have c-sections instead of a vaginal delivery, and in others, they may be medically necessary or performed in an emergency. Whatever your reason for having one, recovering from c-section procedures can take weeks, if not months. These … Read More

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