treatment for high blood pressure

News Briefs February 2024

Cutting a Teaspoon of Salt Per Day Significantly Lowers Blood Pressure An antihypertensive medication is usually the first-line treatment for high blood pressure. However, you may be able to achieve similar blood pressure-lowering results with a simple change in your diet, according to a small study published online recently by … Read More

3 Fabulous Coconut Water Health Benefits

Coconut water has become increasingly popular as a drink around the world because of its natural ingredients, electrolytes, and mineral content combined with its low levels of fat, calories, and carbohydrates. Coconut water health benefits include strong antioxidant effects; protection of the cardiovascular system and the liver; and reduction of … Read More

Acupuncture: High Blood Pressure Treatment?

High blood pressure is a growing concern; it is highly prevalent and also highly dangerous. Having even moderately high blood pressure raises your risk for heart disease substantially. But high blood pressure medications come with their risks, too. So why not opt for natural solutions for managing your blood pressure … Read More

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