cardiovascular fitness

Look Beyond the Scale

When you embark on food and lifestyle changes with health in mind, what defines “success?” For many people, weight loss is the primary marker of change they focus on when they are trying to eat better and exercise consistently. But weight change is only one possible outcome of improvements to … Read More

Is a Low Heart Rate Dangerous?

A low heart rate may be a sign of an efficiently working heart. Or, if the rate becomes too low, it could be a sign of health complications down the road. A normal or healthy resting heart rate for an adult is between 60 and 100 beats a minute. A … Read More

Is There a Cure for Diabetes?

Every year in the United States, 1.5 million people are diagnosed with diabetes, and it's the seventh-leading cause of death, according to the American Diabetes Association. Can diabetes be cured? Let's first consider the two main types: Type 1 (or juvenile) diabetesaccounts for 5 percent of all cases. Type 2 … Read More

You’re Using a Fitness Tracker—Is it Worth It?

Fitness trackers are popular! In fact, the fitness tracker market will reach $30 billion by 2020, according to industry estimates. When these fancy little devices were initially produced, they were elementary: basic step-counting tools. But the companies who make them began releasing more and more upgrades over time, meeting consumer … Read More

3 Natural Treatments for Depression While Pregnant

You’ll often hear about postpartum depression, but did you know that many women also experience depression while pregnant? In fact, depression during the pregnancy (called antenatal depression) is actually more prevalent than postpartum depression.[1] Unfortunately, antenatal depression doesn’t get the attention it deserves and, as a consequence, many women aren’t … Read More

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