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The Facts About Sugar Substitutes

If you’ve eaten sweet-tasting products labelled “sugar-free,” “low-sugar,” or “diet,” you’ve likely eaten sugar substitutes. These non-caloric or lowcalorie artificial sweeteners, plant-derived noncaloric sweeteners, and sugar alcohols are most often found in soft drinks, snack foods, sugar-free candies, gum, and sweet dairy products. For more information, see the “Sugar Substitutes” … Read More

Mushroom Mania

With their savory umami flavor, earthy aroma, and hearty, meaty texture, mushrooms are having a “moment” in the food scene. They are nutritious, versatile, and easy to cook with at home. What are Mushrooms? Mushrooms are the fruiting body of a fungus. One of the most sustainably produced foods in … Read More

Ask Tufts Experts: Microwave Safety

· · Heart Health
Do microwaves alter food at the molecular level, and does this make the food unsafe to eat? Judith C. Thalheimer, RD, LDN, executive editor of Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter, answers: “Microwave ovens bombard food with electromagnetic waves. This makes water molecules inside the food vibrate, which produces heat and … Read More

Dietary Counseling Helps After Serious Heart Issues

· · Heart Health
Diet is the leading contributor to premature cardiovascular disease-related death in the United States. Even so, a recent study suggests that fewer than one-quarter of people who suffer a major heart event receive dietary counseling in the aftermath. That’s a problem, according to Mount Sinai cardiologist Bruce Darrow, MD, PhD. … Read More

U.S. Diet Quality Remains Poor

· · Heart Health
The average American diet remains poor, despite a slight improvement over the past two decades, according to research. The study measured diet quality of more than 51,000 adults between 1999 and 2000 using a survey developed by the American Heart Association. While the percentage of Americans with poor diet decreased … Read More

What Are “Superfoods?”

You’ve probably heard the term “superfoods” but might have some questions. Read on to learn exactly what are superfoods and what makes them so “super?”  Defining Superfoods. Superfoods are nutrient-dense and considered beneficial for supporting health. Rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other compounds, they support various functions and help … Read More

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