daytime sleepiness

What Is Hypersomnia?

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), hypersomnia is recurring and severe episodes of daytime sleepiness or prolonged sleeping at night. Daytime sleepiness may cause an irresistible lapse into daytime napping, sometimes without warning, called sleep attacks. After waking up from a nap or sleep attack, … Read More

What to Know About Twitching While Sleeping

Have you ever been jerked out of sleep by a sudden twitch or uncontrolled muscle movement, or noticed jerks and twitches in your sleep partner? You are not alone, since these movements during sleep occur in up to 70 percent of people. They are commonly called sleep starts or hypnic … Read More

6 Lifestyle Changes to Improve Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is obstructed breathing at night. For most people it is an anatomic problem, so medications or supplements are not helpful. Sleep apnea can range from mild to severe. For moderate to severe cases, the most effective treatment is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). [1,2] CPAP is a machine … Read More

What Keeps You Up at Night? 6 Ways to Beat Insomnia

You no doubt have found yourself tossing and turning at night, failing to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. If that sounds too familiar and happens too frequently, you may be suffering from insomnia. Any insomnia definition describes an inability to fall asleep. However, the condition—which effects an estimated 60 … Read More

Can’t Sleep? Here’s What May Help Beat Your Insomnia

Insomnia is now at epidemic levels. Up to half of Americans are wondering how to beat insomnia and suffer from at least one of the four cardinal insomnia symptoms: Difficulty falling asleep Inability to stay asleep Waking up in the early morning Experiencing nonrestorative sleep Almost a quarter of the … Read More

5 Common Fatigue Causes: Understanding Why You’re So Tired

Fatigue is a common symptom in people with medical conditions like cancer and diabetes, mood disorders like depression and anxiety, and even in people who are otherwise “healthy.” Yet despite how prevalent it is, medical researchers still do not completely understand what happens in the body to cause fatigue. They … Read More

11 Surprising Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Sleep apnea is best known for snoring, but did you know that there are a multitude of other sleep apnea symptoms that you might not know about? If you’ve been dealing with symptoms like dry mouth, headache, or even depression, sleep apnea might be to blame. Finding effective sleep apnea … Read More

Stress as a Cause of Fatigue

Chronic or severe stress is a very common cause of fatigue. Stress is a real or interpreted threat that results in physical and behavioral responses that are designed to help the body adapt. Situations that are new, unpredictable, or that appear threatening or uncontrollable activate the body’s stress response systems, … Read More

The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Men vs. Women

Studies examining the association of sleep behaviors with neuromuscular performance and daytime function in older women found that sleep deprivation is associated with worse physical function during the day. Women who slept less than six hours per night walked 3.5 percent slower than those who slept six to eight hours. … Read More

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