brain chemicals

How to Find Migraine Relief at Home

When looking for at home migraine relief, a quick online search will pull up several options for ice caps or ice hats for migraines. Some of these cover your head and your eyes and they cost about 40 dollars. If you are one of the 12 percent of Americans that … Read More

Can Stress Cause Diarrhea? The Gut-Brain Connection

If you have ever experienced “butterflies in your stomach” or felt like your guts were “tied up in knots” while under stress, you have experienced the gut-brain connection. [1] According to the Cleveland Clinic, stress can cause diarrhea, it can also cause other symptoms of GI distress like bloating, belly … Read More

Am I Depressed? These 10 Symptoms Can Tell the Story

The National Institutes of Health defines depression as a common but serious mood disorder. That may leave you still wondering, "Am I depressed?" The answer is: You're dealing with depression if your mood severely affects you how feel, think, sleep, work, and interact with others, and if your depression symptoms … Read More

Brain Atrophy: Can It Be Reversed?

The human brain is a truly remarkable and highly complex organ. Neurons are the brain cells that carry messages throughout the brain, nervous system, and body. It’s estimated that healthy adults have around 100 billion neurons, each connecting to 10,000 other neurons—an impressive network indeed! Brain atrophy "is a common … Read More

Serotonin and its Link to Depression

There are many researchers who believe that an imbalance in serotonin levels may influence mood in a way that can lead to depression… but also possibly to other neurological problems, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, panic, and even excess anger. This is what scientists theorize because there is no way … Read More

8 Tips That May Help Depression Symptoms

If you’ve been feeling down in the dumps for an extended period of time, you may be suffering from depression. You’re not alone, as millions of other Americans experience this common disorder. The bright side is that there are a number of effective lifestyle strategies you can take to fight … Read More

What Causes Nightmares? 7 Common Triggers

You may remember, as a kid, occasionally waking up in a cold sweat, startled out of your slumber by one of those frighteningly vivid nightmares. Perhaps the experience still pops up from time to time; bad dreams may be more common in children, but adults aren't immune to them. Around … Read More

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