stomach lining

The Unusual Link Between Low Stomach Acid and Osteoporosis

Dr. Jonathan Wright, MD, a well-known natural healing physician in Renton, Washington reports that 90 percent of his patients with osteoporosis have low stomach acid. What's the link? If stomach acid is low, he explains, your body won't be able to absorb calcium, strontium, magnesium and the other minerals critical … Read More

Gastritis Relief: The Key Is to Treat the Root Cause

Coping with gastritis and its many symptoms is about as much fun as getting punched in the stomach. Your first instinct may be to reach for an antacid medication because that usually provides quick gastritis relief. But if you want to keep painful gastritis symptoms away for good, the key … Read More

Painkillers: A Primer on Effective—and Safe—Choices

Medications can be effective for treating pain, but they're not the only method. In fact, some people shouldn’t use painkillers at all. Others simply don’t need them because there are other ways to treat pain. Options for relieving pain without taking medications begin with conservative approaches such as losing weight, … Read More

Gastritis: How to Recognize Common Symptoms

Gastritis is not a single disease, but rather a condition with several possible causes. The term "gastritis" means inflammation of the stomach lining. When the body’s immune system detects injury (from infection or other causes), it produces gastric pain in the form of inflammation, which triggers processes that promote healing, … Read More

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