
Picking Scabs: Why We Do It and How to Stop

Ever enjoyed popping a pimple? How about poking a blister? It can feel gratifying to watch the grossness ooze out, right? Many people are guilty of picking scabs and some people even eat them afterwards. In fact, our desire to pick our scabs could say something important about our mental … Read More

Why Do Some People Experience Depression During the Holidays?

The holidays can be a time of emotional highs, but also lows. It’s not uncommon to feel loneliness, anxiety, sadness interspersed with happiness. The bad news is the holiday blues can worsen depression symptoms in people struggling with chronic depression. The good news is that holiday blues are not inevitable– … Read More

Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment: Natural Omega-3 May Help

Does fish oil supplementation work as borderline personality disorder treatment? The benefits of fish oil supplements for those who suffer from borderline personality disorder were confirmed in two different randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies. The research found fish oil supplements to be safe and effective for significantly reducing depression, aggression, and … Read More

Low Libido? 8 Ways to Boost Your Sex Drive

Fatigue, stress, children, routine, and even some diseases—all of these factors can cause low libido and become enemies of your sex drive. If you and your partner have hit a wall, there are ways to get back the energy... and the desire. Act now! The “eternal honeymoon,” after all, is … Read More

Your Risk Level for Alzheimer’s

People joke about “senior moments,” those times when your brain goes blank mid-sentence, you forget your own phone number, or simple math becomes confusing. Perhaps you forget the names of friends, misplace things frequently, or rely on an extensive array of sticky notes, calendars, and lists to remember everyday activities. … Read More

Alzheimer’s Warning Signs

To help recognize the warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease, and to distinguish them from normal memory lapses, the Alzheimer’s Association has developed a checklist of common symptoms, Here are three of them. Short-Term Memory Loss For most people, memory loss is the first noticeable sign of Alzheimer’s disease. Early in … Read More

13 Ways to Control Stress

Learning different ways to control stress is essential to recovery from depression and keeping it away for good. It’s important to make some “stress safeguards” a part of your daily life. These safeguards are specific ways you have found that work for you in dealing with chronic stress day in … Read More

The Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease

The typical Alzheimer’s case progresses gradually, with steady deterioration over as many as 20 years, although some people have a more rapid course. This progression has been categorized into stages of Alzheimer's for diagnostic purposes, although, in reality, an individual with AD may have some overlap of features common to … Read More

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