mediterranean style diet

How to Overcome Depression: A Closer Look at Your Options

If you've been struggling to figure out how to overcome depression, you may have turned to medications, talk therapy, lifestyle changes, and/or alternative treatments. Each can be effective, but they also won't guarantee relief from that cloud of depression. How to Overcome Depression: Medications Medications are thought to improve mood … Read More

Olive Oil Benefits

In folk medicine, olive oil benefits spread far and wide. People used olive oil as a digestive aid, laxative, and hangover tonic, and even as an aphrodisiac. But nowadays, this amber elixir is more celebrated as a key component of the Mediterranean eating pattern, highly rated for its impact on … Read More

Low Back Pain? Explore Your Options for Easing the Ache

Just about everyone experiences low back pain at some point. You might strain your back while lifting, twist the wrong way, or sit or sleep in an awkward position. The good news is that you probably can find relief without surgery or other invasive treatments—and maybe even without medications. In … Read More

The Best Diet for Your Heart and Arteries: 4 Simple Strategies

Your heart is part of your cardiovascular system, which also includes all of the arteries that transport oxygenated blood from your heart throughout your body, and the veins that transport blood back to your heart. Many cardiovascular diseases and events—including coronary artery disease (CAD), peripheral artery disease (PAD), heart attack, … Read More

What Causes Strokes—and 6 Ways to Prevent Them

A stroke occurs in the brain, but it can affect your body from head to toe. What causes strokes is a partial or total interruption of the blood supply to your brain. Suffering a stroke can be fatal, or it can cause brain damage, paralysis, and other complications. “A stroke’s … Read More

Heart Failure? Stay Vigilant for Worsening Condition

More than 5 million Americans have heart failure, and 500,000 more cases are diagnosed each year. The condition develops gradually, due to injury to or weakness of the heart—underlying causes include these, among others: Heart attack High blood pressure Coronary artery disease Heart valve disease Abnormal heart rhythms Diseases of … Read More

Heart Disease Symptoms: Don’t Ignore These Telltale Signs

Heart disease symptoms can vary greatly, depending on the type of heart disease you have. Heart disease is actually an umbrella term that covers such conditions as coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, valve disease, and heart failure. Recognizing symptoms of these serious problems is critical to getting early treatment and avoiding … Read More

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