blood pressure medications

Can CBD Lower Blood Pressure?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is an active ingredient of marijuana, but it is not the same as THC. THC causes the marijuana “high,” which CBD does not do. You may find CBD advertised as a treatment for anxiety, insomnia, or as a pain reliever. According to the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, … Read More

17 CoQ10 Benefits You Can Enjoy Yourself

CoQ10, or coenzyme Q10, is a naturally produced enzyme found in the mitochondria in every cell of your body. CoQ10 benefits include the making of ATP—the major energy source needed for cell growth and maintenance in powering several of the body’s biological processes. CoQ10 also functions as an antioxidant, which … Read More

10 Dry Mouth Remedies

I used to take a medication that caused my mouth to dry out. Fortunately, I only needed to take it periodically, but I never enjoyed having a sticky, dried out mouth that made it hard to swallow and made me feel like I could drink gallons of water without finding … Read More

Clear It Up! Post-Nasal Drip Relief Remedies

Post-nasal drip is the accumulation of mucus, usually in your sinuses, that moves down the back of the nose into the throat. It can be an annoying and disruptive condition, but one that's treatable by post-nasal drip remedies, both pharmaceutical and natural. Your body makes about one to two quarts … Read More

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