vagus nerve

Manage Your Stress During the Coronavirus Crisis

“Excessive anxiety is a common response to situations like this and we need to manage our own anxiety as best as we can,” says Maurizio Fava, MD, Psychiatrist-in-Chief at Massachusetts General Hospital and director of the Division of Clinical Research at the Mass General Research Institute. Dr. Fava is also … Read More

Simple Breathing Exercises Bring Instant Calm

Relax and take a deep breath. It’s a common recommendation from physicians and friends who seek to help you reach a state of calm when you’re feeling frazzled. Breathing is an essential and automatic function. But with deliberate focus on breathing, it’s a proven tool for healing and well-being. With … Read More

What Causes Autism? Gut Health is Likely an Important Factor

With cases of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) becoming increasingly common, people want to know, what causes autism? The cause is likely multifaceted, involving both genetic factors and environmental ones, like exposure to toxins and diet. Accumulating evidence also shows that children with ASD have an altered composition of bacteria in … Read More

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