stress management

Rewire Your Brain For Better Pain Management

Sometimes, in chronic pain, the pain-signaling neurons become hyperexcited and continue to fire despite the absence of the cause of injury. For example, with the herpes-zoster infection (shingles), the rash disappears, leaving no evidence of the virus in the bloodstream, but the damaged nerves continue to fire, causing continuous debilitating … Read More

Manage Your Stress During the Coronavirus Crisis

“Excessive anxiety is a common response to situations like this and we need to manage our own anxiety as best as we can,” says Maurizio Fava, MD, Psychiatrist-in-Chief at Massachusetts General Hospital and director of the Division of Clinical Research at the Mass General Research Institute. Dr. Fava is also … Read More

Are You Tired of Being Tired?

Surprisingly, there is no universally agreed upon definition of fatigue. It has been described as “an overwhelming sustained sense of exhaustion” or “an overwhelming subjective sense of tiredness and lack of energy.” Fatigue’s nonspecific nature is part of what makes it so difficult to define and treat. Feeling tired much … Read More

What Is Hashimoto’s Disease?

Hashimoto’s disease is the most common thyroid disease in the United States, affecting 5 in every 100 people. An autoimmune disease that frequently leads to hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormones), it is eight times more common in women. According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), “Hashimoto’s thyroiditis occurs when … Read More

How to Overcome Migraines Naturally

The migraine headache is one of the top 20 most debilitating disorders in developed countries. It is caused by a complicated interplay between predisposing genetic variants and environmental factors. How to overcome migraines? There are all kinds of treatments that can help, including natural remedies discussed below. First, consider that … Read More

Common Cold and Flu Prevention: 15 Tips to Keep You Healthy

Every year, millions of Americans are hit by cold, flu, and other respiratory infections. While the common cold will rarely cause serious complications, the flu and other infections—such as Legionnaire’s, pneumococcus, and mycoplasma—can lead to severe and potentially life-threatening complications, especially in the young, the elderly, and the chronically sick. … Read More

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