stay healthy

Can Supplements Boost Your Immune System?

It would be great if there was an over-the-counter supplement that would boost your immune system enough to prevent a cold or the flu. Unfortunately, according to Harvard Medical School’s Harvard Health, there are no proven benefits to supplements for the immune system. In fact, the whole idea of boosting … Read More

Coronary Artery Disease: Reduce Your Risk

Those who suffer from coronary artery disease (CAD) struggle to get enough blood to their hearts. The reason? CAD occurs when plaque limits or blocks the flow of blood through arteries that lead to the heart muscle. Some people, because of non-modifiable (unchangeable) risk factors, have a high chance of … Read More

Manage Your Stress During the Coronavirus Crisis

“Excessive anxiety is a common response to situations like this and we need to manage our own anxiety as best as we can,” says Maurizio Fava, MD, Psychiatrist-in-Chief at Massachusetts General Hospital and director of the Division of Clinical Research at the Mass General Research Institute. Dr. Fava is also … Read More

Are Dates Healthy? Why You Should Add Dates to Your Diet

Dates are often used as alternative sweeteners because of their natural sweetness. It turns out that these sweet foods contain more than just carbohydrates and sugars: they are packed full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other health-promoting nutrients that can help you stay healthy. Learn about the health benefits of … Read More

How “Bad” Fats Affect Cholesterol

Your body makes all the cholesterol you need, and if you eat a diet high in unhealthy saturated and trans fats, you can add to your cholesterol total and potentially hasten the buildup of fatty plaques in your arteries. Fats were once considered the bane of healthful diets. To stay … Read More

Signs of Depression Relapse and How to Prevent Them

One of the most important, yet most neglected, aspects of depression treatment is preventing depression from returning. Relapse refers to the returning signs of depression after a period of weeks or months of doing well. The term recurrence sometimes refers to a relapse that occurs late, after many months or … Read More

Are Eggs Healthy?

Whether they were scrambled, fried, boiled, poached, or beat into an omelet, chances are that you had eggs for breakfast this morning. They’re an easy, filling, and affordable way to start the day. And even if you don’t like their taste, eggs often are the main ingredient in some of … Read More

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