
How Long Is Stroke Recovery?

According to the Mayo Clinic, stroke recovery can include recovery of movement, speech, swallowing, strength, emotional health, and the basic activities of daily living. Stroke recovery begins in the hospital and continues at a stroke rehab facility or at home with outpatient therapy. The exact type of therapy is different … Read More

How Long Does It Take to Lower Cholesterol?

Having healthy levels of cholesterol to reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke is a lifetime commitment. It takes effort and it takes time. To lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides with diet and lifestyle changes may take 12 weeks or longer. There is no magic number since everybody has … Read More

How to Sit With Low Back Pain

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), almost everyone will experience low back pain. There are many causes. Your spine is made up of bones called vertebrae separated by cushions, called discs. The vertebrae are attached to spinal muscles and to each other by ligaments and tendons. A … Read More

Symptoms of Acid Reflux at Night

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), GERD can cause stomach juices to flow up into your esophagus all the way up to your throat. When this happens at night, you may wake up with the sensation of choking on your saliva, but you are really experiencing nighttime acid … Read More

What is Scalp Psoriasis?

Between seven and eight million Americans suffer with psoriasis. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, about 50 percent of people with psoriasis have scalp psoriasis. Scalp psoriasis can affect your scalp, hairline, forehead, back of your neck, and the skin around your ears, which makes it difficult to hide. Besides … Read More

Why Is My Blood Pressure Higher in the Morning?

If you monitor your blood pressure at home, you may notice that your pressure is usually higher in the early morning. This is normal because your blood pressure has a normal variation that follows your body’s biological clock, also called your circadian rhythm. Blood pressure is higher a few hours … Read More

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