menstrual period

What is Perimenopause?

You may have read about a condition called estrogen dominance. This theory, proposed in a book called What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause, said that the symptoms before menopause are caused by too much estrogen. That theory has not been supported by research, and estrogen dominance is … Read More

Ovarian Cyst Symptoms: How They Develop, How to Treat Them

Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can develop anywhere in the body. Ovarian cyst symptoms don’t affect all women who develop cysts on ovaries, and ovarian cysts can clear up without treatment. But for some women, ovarian cyst symptoms can lead to potentially serious complications. The main ovarian cyst symptoms include … Read More

Could You Have Endometriosis?

About 176 million women worldwide (10 percent of women in the United States) are believed to suffer from endometriosis, which typically strikes during a woman’s reproductive years. But despite the fact endometriosis can cause severe physical pain, depression, and infertility, statistics on endometriosis from the National Institutes of Health suggest … Read More

The Remarkable Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is commonly produced in India, Jamaica, Fiji, Indonesia, and Australia. The root or underground stem (rhizomes) of Zingiber officinale (from the Zingiberaceae family) can be consumed fresh, powdered, dried as a spice, in oil form, or as juice. Any of those forms will help you enjoy the health benefits … Read More

Managing Menopause Gracefully

Menopause can sound terrifying. Hot flashes, facial hair growth, and mood swings are certainly nothing any woman looks forward to—and those aren't even the truly dangerous effects. For starters, heart disease risk and osteoporosis risk skyrocket. It’s no wonder women were so eager to embrace hormone replacement therapy (HRT) when … Read More

Uterine Cancer Symptoms Can Lead to Early Diagnosis

Endometrial cancer is the most common cancer of the female reproductive system. Endometrial and other cancers of the uterine body (the upper part of the uterus) are newly diagnosed in more than 54,000 women each year, according to The American Cancer Society. Almost all uterine cancers originate in the inner … Read More

10 Natural Ways to Ease the Discomfort of PMS

Every time her period arrives, Carla has to call in sick and take medication to overcome the pain. Mercedes, on the other hand, feels some relief when she finally gets her period. And that’s because for a week or two before her period starts she experiences physical and emotional signs … Read More

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