
Symptoms of Acid Reflux at Night

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), GERD can cause stomach juices to flow up into your esophagus all the way up to your throat. When this happens at night, you may wake up with the sensation of choking on your saliva, but you are really experiencing nighttime acid … Read More

Diverticulitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

To understand diverticulitis, you need to understand diverticulosis, so let’s start there. Diverticulosis is a very common bowel condition. It usually occurs in the last part of your colon, called your sigmoid colon. A pouch of the inner lining of your colon pushes inward  through a weak area of the … Read More

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Limes

Limes typically don’t receive the same attention year-round as their yellow sibling, the lemon. The summer season is usually when they get the most shine, thanks to their presence in key lime pie, as a mixer for cocktails, and as a finishing touch on grilled meats, fish, and guacamole. But, … Read More

Do You Have Heartburn? Try a GERD Elimination Diet

If you suffer from chronic heartburn, certain foods may be to blame. But the foods that trigger heartburn in one person can be different than the foods that cause heartburn symptoms in another person. So how do you figure out which foods to avoid with heartburn? You may want to try a short elimination … Read More

Melatonin for GERD: How This Natural Supplement May Help Acid Reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, affects 14% to 20% of adults in the United States.[1]  The most common first-line treatment for this very prevalent disorder is drug treatment with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). These drugs can cause some serious side effects, including increased risk for pneumonia, osteoporosis, heart attack, and … Read More

Clear It Up! Post-Nasal Drip Relief Remedies

Post-nasal drip is the accumulation of mucus, usually in your sinuses, that moves down the back of the nose into the throat. It can be an annoying and disruptive condition, but one that's treatable by post-nasal drip remedies, both pharmaceutical and natural. Your body makes about one to two quarts … Read More

One of the Best Natural Heartburn Remedies: Betaine HCl

Acid-blocking proton pump inhibitor drugs (the little purple pills), antacids, and other heartburn medications work by reducing stomach acid levels. But sometimes heartburn and indigestion are not caused by high stomach acids levels at all. In fact, these unpleasant symptoms can be triggered by low stomach acid levels. Betaine HCl, … Read More

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