genetic testing

B Vitamins That May Help Memory and Mild Cognitive Impairment

The brain loves B vitamins and they are an important consideration for improving memory and cognition as well as lowering your risk of mild cognitive impairment (or “pre-dementia”) and Alzheimer’s. A two-year study in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed taking B vitamins for memory improved cognition in older participants. … Read More

Prostate Cancer: Causes and Risk Factors

The cause of prostate cancer is complex and not fully understood. We do know that the glandular tissue of the prostate is prone to genetic mutations that may be triggered by a variety of factors. In many men, the disease seems to be random, and the cause remains unknown. The … Read More

Guilt-Free Grains on a High Triglyceride Diet

Many people trying to reduce triglyceride levels through diet have heard that they need to eat low-carb, which means greatly reducing or even eliminating grains altogether. There’s no doubt that this approach works.[1] However, research clearly shows that an effective high triglyceride diet can be high in carbohydrates, as long … Read More

ALS: What Is Lou Gehrig’s Disease?

ALS—the abbreviation for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis—is a rare neurological disorder that's eventually fatal. It was July 4, 1939, when Lou Gehrig made his famous "luckiest man alive" speech at Yankee Stadium, an event that helped give widespread attention to ALS. Gehrig, when he was diagnosed, was only 36 years old … Read More

Celiac Disease: How Do You Know If You Have It?

When it comes to a suspected case of Celiac disease or food allergy symptoms, everyone’s reaction is usually the same: "Okay, what am I in for? How much time will this take? Is there a gluten-free food list? And what will it cost?" Notions of how to care for loved … Read More

Leukemia Symptoms: Know the Signs

You’re feverish and fatigued. Your joints ache, and your lymph glands have swollen. Sounds like you have signs of the flu or any number of infections. But they’re also common leukemia symptoms. In general terms, leukemia is cancer of your body’s blood-forming tissues, such as the bone marrow. Signs of … Read More

Is There an Alternative to Mammogram Screening?

For years, the mammogram has served as the primary tool for breast cancer screening. Mammography can identify breast cancer in its earliest stages, when it is smaller and has not spread beyond the breast. In the search for a potential alternative to mammogram screening, researchers are studying other tests, such … Read More

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