breast tumors

Is There an Alternative to Mammogram Screening?

For years, the mammogram has served as the primary tool for breast cancer screening. Mammography can identify breast cancer in its earliest stages, when it is smaller and has not spread beyond the breast. In the search for a potential alternative to mammogram screening, researchers are studying other tests, such … Read More

Soy and Soy Milk: Is it Really All Doom and Gloom?

The soybean is an annual legume within the pea family. It contains edible seeds that are a rich source of complete protein (complete protein contains all the essential amino acids our body requires for good health). In the United States, the majority of soybean crops are genetically modified for resistance against … Read More

Dense Breast Tissue and Cancer Detection

To a weight-conscious woman, fat isn’t a good thing. But when it comes to finding breast cancer, fat may be your friend. That’s because having more fatty tissue in the breast makes it easier to identify breast cancer on a mammogram. Conversely, having more dense breast tissue makes this task … Read More

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