breast exam

Annual Physical Exam Checklist

It can be called an annual physical exam, a general physical exam, or a wellness visit. This visit gives you a chance to connect with your health care provider, update your provider on your health, and plan for future preventive healthcare. Having a physical exam checklist is a good way … Read More

Annual Physical: Still a Best Practice for Staying Healthy

It’s ironic that while many people are avoiding the doctor for fear of what it will cost, some medical experts are debating the value of the one “free” aspect of the Affordable Care Act: an annual physical (a.k.a. preventative exam) and appropriate screening tests. The annual physical and screening tests … Read More

Is There an Alternative to Mammogram Screening?

For years, the mammogram has served as the primary tool for breast cancer screening. Mammography can identify breast cancer in its earliest stages, when it is smaller and has not spread beyond the breast. In the search for a potential alternative to mammogram screening, researchers are studying other tests, such … Read More

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