cancer stages

Breast Cancer Treatment Options to Consider

Once you’ve received the sobering news that you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer, the next step is to discuss a personalized breast cancer treatment plan with your medical team. Your doctor’s recommendations will involve many factors, including your age, medical history, the type, location, and size of the cancer, and … Read More

Is Prostate Cancer Hereditary?

For many types of cancer, having a family history of the disease places you at a greater risk of developing the cancer yourself. So, if you’re a man with a close relative who had prostate cancer, you might be bothered by a lingering question: Is prostate cancer hereditary? No one … Read More

Can Prostate Cancer Be Cured? Explore Your Treatment Options

Receiving a diagnosis of prostate cancer is shocking—so much so that you might not fully process anything your doctor says after the “C word.” Consequently, you might forget about another “C word”—cure—and fail to understand that a prostate cancer diagnosis is not a death sentence. So, can prostate cancer be … Read More

Beyond the PSA Test: Options for Screening

Prostate screening traditionally has focused on two methods: the digital rectal exam (DRE) and prostate specific antigen, or PSA testing. Researchers have always worked toward improving the accuracy and reliability of both modalities. Along the way, PSA test options have been surfacing. New methods seek to clarify diagnoses in men … Read More

Prostate Cancer Stages

Prostate cancer stages describe how far a cancer of the prostate has spread. Doctors define stages in determining treatment for prostate cancer and in predicting the chances of recovery. Prostate cancer stages are determined by evaluating the prostate tissue and determining its Gleason score (a microscopic assessment of the cells’ … Read More

Kidney Cancer Symptoms Usually Occur Later Rather Than Sooner

Affecting more than 38,000 men and 23,000 women in the United States annually, kidney cancer ranks among the 10 most common cancers in American men and women. Each year, more than 14,000 people die from kidney cancer, the American Cancer Society (ACS) says. Kidney cancer symptoms typically manifest only after … Read More

Prostate Cancer Survival Rates

Upon receiving the diagnosis of prostate cancer, men naturally want to know the most current prostate cancer survival rates. Every man’s prognosis or outlook for cancer depends on his overall health, his age, his Gleason score, his prostate cancer stage, the type of treatment he receives, and how his cancer … Read More

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